Monday, March 25, 2024

Maple Leaves

I came across some pictures I shot 8-9 years ago, back when iPhone cameras were just starting to get good, so I thought I’d post a few of them here. This would be from late fall 2015, which predates my cardiac surgery.

A Test from 2015

I’m testing a new posting app with this picture I took back in 2015. Enjoy!

 This is some more testing. Just ignore it! πŸ˜„

Rose’s Filipino-Style Spaghetti


Rose has been craving pasta lately, so today she made Filipino-style spaghetti! Complete with cut up hotdogs! πŸ˜€πŸŒ­ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Spaghetti with Hotdogs!


Rose has been craving pasta lately, so today she made Filipino-style spaghetti! Complete with cut up hotdogs! πŸ˜€πŸŒ­ 

Philippine Memories: Acuaverde Resort

We spent three days at the Acuaverde Beach Resort in San Juan, Batangas.  Absolutely picturesque, tranquil setting to relax and recharge. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Philippine Memories: Liam’s Lomi House

Lomi is a dish made with a variety of ingredients containing egg noodles, vegetables, meats, and more. This area around Lipa City is well known for its Lomi, so of course we had to have it for lunch!