Saturday, July 6, 2024

One More Birthday Post for Ashley


Identify Stuff with Your iPhone!

If you have an iPhone with IOS 15 or above, it can identify plants and animals in pictures you take…pretty cool!

Friday, July 5, 2024

A Filipino-American 4th of July

This is a re-edit/re-post of our live videos from Denny & Wena’s fireworks party last night, this time with some copyright-free background music so I don’t get put in YouTube jail 🤣! I also took the opportunity to edit out the dead spaces of the live videos and combine Rose’s and my videos into one. Thanks to Denny & Wena for allowing us to burn down their home on an annual basis…it wouldn’t be a real 4th of July without it!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Yay! It’s My Birthday!

My name’s Ashley and I’m one year old! I was born on the 4th of July, so I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy!

What is a Shamrock?

This past Saint Patrick's Day we were out shopping--I can't remember where--when I saw these little potted plants advertised as "Real Irish Shamrocks!" Being proud of my Irish ancestry (which mostly involves Guinness Stout) I decided to buy one.
Today I noticed that its doing well! Its really filled out, and its blooming, so I took a picture of it. My iPhone told me it was Oxalis trilliifolia, a wildflower native to the Pacific Northwest, not Ireland! Must be some mistake!
After some more research I found out that apparently nobody knows for sure just what an Irish Shamrock actually is! A consensus is that it’s probably Suckling Clover (Trifolium dubium). Or maybe white clover. Who knew? Anyway, I'm still happy with this Oxalis, even if I don't know beans about the land of my ancestors!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

They were Snapdragons!

What I thought were weeds in our roses containers bloomed one day. Turns out they are snapdragons! I have no idea how they got there, but now that I know what they are, we'll certainly take better care of them!