Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Jedrek’s 100 Degree Birthday in the Park!

It was a fine, hot summer day for our buddy Jedrek’s 8th birthday!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Locally Grown Blueberries

We just bought 10 pounds of sweet, ripe locally grown blueberries! We got them from our friends Martin and Leah Clave of DelEv Blueberry Patch.

A Visit to Sakura Sushi

A good Japanese/Sushi restaurant in Roseburg! #diningout #japanesefood #sushi #raybanmeta

Saturday, July 6, 2024

One More Birthday Post for Ashley


Identify Stuff with Your iPhone!

If you have an iPhone with IOS 15 or above, it can identify plants and animals in pictures you take…pretty cool!

Friday, July 5, 2024

A Filipino-American 4th of July

This is a re-edit/re-post of our live videos from Denny & Wena’s fireworks party last night, this time with some copyright-free background music so I don’t get put in YouTube jail 🤣! I also took the opportunity to edit out the dead spaces of the live videos and combine Rose’s and my videos into one. Thanks to Denny & Wena for allowing us to burn down their home on an annual basis…it wouldn’t be a real 4th of July without it!